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Stamford Bridge Primary School

Stamford Bridge Primary School Stamford Bridge Primary School

Class 6 Foxes


Miss Greening - Class Teacher
Mrs Smithson - Morning Teaching Assistant


At the bottom of this webpage you will find:
Fox Class's Termly Newsletters;
Our topic knowledge organisers;
The Year 6 learning journey document.


Thursday 2 May – Class photograph
Tuesday 7 May – Robin Wood Parent Meeting
Friday 24 May – Training day
Tuesday 4 June – Year 6 swimming begins
Wednesday 5 – Friday 7 June – Robinwood
June – July Year 6 Cycle training (see emails regarding your child/ren's specific dates)
Friday 21 June – KS2 Sports Day
2 + 3  6:30pm July – Year 6 Leavers Show
Wednesday 17 July 9.30 am – Leavers’ Assembly


Children should come to school in their PE kit on their PE days.

  • PE shorts or plain joggers/ leggings
  • PE t-shirt
  • School jumper/ cardigan
  • Trainers that the child can fasten independently
  • Long hair will need to be tied up on PE days and earrings removed.


Reading aloud 4 times with an adult.
Weekly spelling lists
TTR - 20 Garage minutes 
Arithmetic questions  (found in coloured folder and workings to be completed in the pink exercise book)

Thank you for your support with these.


Children are expected to read at home at least 4 times a week which will be monitored during planner checks.

It is highly beneficial for your child's fluency and understanding of the text if you pause and explore the VIPERS skills during their reading:
Vocabulary (discussing tricky words) 
Inference (reaching a conclusion/ idea based off the evidence from the text)
Predictions (guessing what will happen next), Explanations (asking why)
Retrieval (finding information from the text)
Summarise (identifying the most important parts and retelling in their own words )

Children will also participate in 5 specific guided reading sessions a week to develop a broad range of reading skills. These sessions will be based around a novel with linked additional texts of varying genres.


Children will receive a list of spellings on Friday and they will be tested on these spellings on the following Friday. These will be based on the spelling patterns and spellings lists from the National Curriculum. Please encourage your child to practise these regularly. 


Times tables are a highly important aspect of mathematics, requiring a great deal of support at home as well as at school. At the end of Year 4, children are expected to know all of their times tables up to 12x12.

Children will be set weekly activities via Times Table Rockstars (login details are in their planners) which they are expected to complete. These tasks progress and consolidate multiplication and division knowledge and is highly supportive within Year 6 mathematical skills such as long multiplication and fractions.


Planners – Please send your child with their planner each day as the children place their planners on their desks each morning. This is so we can check that reading is happening at home, across the week with an adult, and so we can write in planners when they read with an adult in school.

Please use the planners to write down each time your child reads – listing the book, number of pages read and a signature from the adult who read with the child.
Example ‘Read Pig Heart Boy pg 30 – 35. We discussed tricky vocabulary. Grandma’

Please also note when they practise their spellings.

Please ensure your child also brings a water bottle into school daily.

 If your child has not completed their weekly homework (including reading) by Friday, they will be able to complete this during their break time with an adult's support.

Stamford Bridge Primary School
Godwinsway, Stamford Bridge, East Riding of Yorkshire
YO41 1RA
01759 371430
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