School Day
The lesson structure varies between classes; staff are free to design their own timetable based on what will be the most effective learning journey for the pupils. This may mean that some days start with literacy or numeracy, but some may start with art or music! This freedom ensures that the children’s learning needs are considered in every step of the lesson planning process.
8:20am | School gates open |
8:30am | Learning starts |
10:30-10:45am | Breaktime |
12:00-1:00pm | Lunchtime |
3:00pm | End of the school day |
Healthy snacks of fruit/veg are provided for KS1 children. At morning break, in the upper school hall, the older children have the option to buy toast, healthy snacks and drinks. All children need to bring their own water bottles into school (water only) which can be taken into class.
Total school hours per week: 32.5 hours
School Closures
Our aim is always to remain open whenever possible however, in exceptional circumstances (eg. structural damage, adverse weather, etc.) the Headteacher may make the decision to close the school. Should this happen, we will endeavour to send a message to all parents. Please listen to local radio for details or check the ERYC website.
Enriching Pupils
Stamford Bridge Primary offers a range of Enrichment Club opportunities including:
- Arts and Crafts Club
- Chess Club
- Construction Club
- Book Club
- York City Football
Enrichment Clubs are changed termly and available throughout the school year. Dates for all Enrichment Clubs are available on the school calendar. Please contact the school for further information and to enquire about your child joining one of our exciting and enjoyable clubs.
Music Lessons
At Stamford Bridge Primary School we are proud of our musical heritage and the long-standing links we have with musical tutors who provide private lessons from our site. We ensure all tutors who work from our site are DBS checked in line with our safeguarding expectations. Tutors should also be a member of either the Incorporated Society of Musicians or the Musicians Union (the only UK professional bodies for musicians, the ISM being the specialist body for instrumental teachers, composers & solo performers). Unfortunately, we can’t always offer your child lessons immediately due to limited lesson time and spaces; we do encourage children to join our waiting list.
We are currently offering lessons in piano, guitar, violin and drums.
Carol Saunders Swim School
Carol Saunders Swim School is our National Curriculum swimming lesson provider. They take school swimming and water safety very seriously.
With around 48 percent of children in England, leaving primary school (Key Stage 2) unable to swim, we want to ensure that your pupils get the best possible opportunity to leave year 6 able to keep themselves safe in and around water.
With this in mind, we’re delighted to advise you that we are signed up to the Swim England School Swimming and Water Safety Charter. It’s designed to support schools and lesson providers in helping pupils reach the national curriculum standards by the end of Key Stage 2. It includes water safety, core aquatic skills and all the national curriculum PE swimming outcomes.
Each pupil is required to be able to do the following and will work to attain these during their lessons:
- Perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations
- Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- Use a range of strokes effectively, for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke.
Here are some references from Swim England which may be of interest:
Did you know?
Stamford Bridge Community Swimming Pool is owned by PACT and run for the benefit of the children attending Stamford Bridge School and the community by a committee of parents, ex parents and members of the wider community. It is completely self-funding with no funding from the Local Authority or school. The school hires the pool at a greatly reduced fee so that all children from Early Years to Year 6 have the opportunity to have swimming lessons whilst in Stamford Bridge Primary School.